ISOMA 2025 – Call for Papers

Unite for Knowledge, Act for Peace

Kosovo Defense Academy (KDA) welcomes all military practitioners and academics to share their expertise and practical insights by either submitting their study to ISOMA 2025 or joining as audience members. This significant event aims to enhance the network among military institutions focused on officer cadet education by facilitating the exchange of knowledge.

For more details, please visit: ISOMA 2025 – International Symposium of Military Academies (

Submission Guidelines

  1. Participants
    • KDA welcomes all authors of accepted papers, commandants, deans, and representatives of military academies, colleges, or other institutions related to officer cadet education to ISOMA 2025. Individuals from the defense sector who are not affiliated with military academies but wish to contribute to ISOMA 2025 are also welcome.
    • ISOMA 2025 aims to include a diverse mix of attendees and authors, welcoming military officers, cadets, civilian professionals from the defense sector, and academics—whether they are uniformed personnel or civilians.
    • The richness of the ISOMA program stems from the blend of presentations by both academics and military practitioners. All stakeholders in officer cadet education are invited to share their insights and experiences by participating in ISOMA 2025. Those wishing to present must submit a paper, with the option to publish it or not. Submission guidelines apply to all presenters.
    • ISOMA 2025 is dedicated to increasing cadet participation. Therefore, a track of the main theme (Track 4) is reserved exclusively for cadets.
    • Military academies and colleges are encouraged to send their cadets to represent their institution’s educational system through Track 4 of the conference’s theme.
    • Military academies/colleges can submit more than one paper.
    • KDA will cover meals and local transportation expenses for all participants. Moreover, KDA will also cover accommodation expenses for two representatives of each military academy.
    • Interested participants should fill out the application form on the ISOMA 2025 page. The application portal will remain open until November 2025. Note: If you are participating as an author, you must adhere to the submission timeline and apply no later than October 17, 2024. If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting your application, please contact us.
  1. Theme and Tracks:

Submitted papers should address innovations and best practices in military education, with a focus on the challenges military leaders will face in the 21st century. Studies must align with the conference theme and should fall under at least one of the specified tracks:


Adapting Military Education for 21st Century Challenges: Innovations in Teaching and Learning for Global Security


  1. Evolution of Teaching Methodologies
    • Innovative pedagogical approaches
    • Integrating technology and adaptive learning strategies
    • Perspectives from professors, instructors, and cadets
  2. Enhancing International Collaboration for Security and Stability
    • Lessons from educational partnerships
    • Exploring new collaboration avenues between military academies
    • Leveraging student mobility opportunities
  3. Shaping International Security: Emerging Trends and Implications
    • Contemporary security challenges
    • Integrating interdisciplinary approaches
    • Strategic foresight in military education
  4. Military Academy Educational and Leadership Overview (Cadet-led)
    • Effective and innovative practices in leadership development, competency training, and character-building
  1. Publication and Presentation
    • ISOMA 2025 will accept three categories of papers:
  1. Non-publishable: Authors can present their studies, but they will not be published anywhere.
  2. Publishable through Conference Proceedings: Papers will be published online on the ISOMA 2025 page.
  3. Publishable through Peer-Reviewed Journal: Papers will be published in the Journal of Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies affiliated with the KDA and the Rochester Institute of Technology, NY. KDA is honored to inaugurate this journal with it special edition for ISOMA 2025. The journal will be accessible online in 2024.
  • Authors should indicate their category of paper when they apply. Reviewers may recommend changing the category if it better fits another category or does not meet the standards for the intended category.
  • Authors of all three categories whose papers have been accepted are expected to present their work at the conference.
  • Manuscript preparation guidelines, along with the submission timeline and process, apply to all three categories of papers, although papers to be published in the journal will be subject to higher academic scrutiny.
  1. Manuscript Preparation
    • All papers must be original and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
    • Papers should be in English.
    • Manuscripts should adhere to Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and The Chicago Manual of Style for spelling, abbreviations, punctuation, etc.
    • Papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
    • The text should be double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, size 12 (including references), and left justified.
    • When first using an acronym or abbreviation, please spell it out in full.
    • The full paper word count should be between 4,000 and 5,000 words, including references. This requirement does not apply to non-publishable papers (please see the paper categories for ISOMA 2025 above). Non-publishable papers can vary in length but cannot exceed 4,000 words, including references.
    • The paper’s abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.
    • All references must follow The Chicago Manual of Style’s author-date system with endnotes.
  1. Submission Process
    • Authors must submit their manuscripts through the
    • The submission must include a 100 – 150-word narrative biography of the author(s), including institutional affiliation, experience, and primary publications.
    • Authors should submit an abstract that briefly summarizes the study’s background, aims, the expected methodology and findings.
    • Upon receiving a positive feedback, authors will be requested to submit the full paper.
    • The submission deadlines are specified below.
  1. Submission Timeline
  • October 17, 2024 – Paper abstract submission
  • December 15, 2024 – Feedback for abstract submissions
  • March 21, 2025 – First draft submission
  • May 31, 2025 – Feedback for first draft submission
  • June 27, 2025 – Final draft submission
  • November 11-13, 2025 – ISOMA 2025*

* Participants are requested to arrive on November 10, 2025. The conference will take place on November 11 and 12, with November 13 reserved for a cultural visit. A detailed program will be sent in due time.

  1. Review Process
    • All submissions will be reviewed by the ISOMA 2025 Academic Committee, which will assess them based on originality, depth, and relevance to the main theme and tracks.
    • The Academic Committee will forward papers of the third category to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies, where they will undergo a blind peer review.
  1. Contact Information